Team Topologies Deep Dive

07.11. / 08.11. / 11.11. / 18.11.2024 (online)

Dates and Booking


An initial model with Team Topologies is quickly drawn and the topologies understood, but this does not even begin to resolve the complex structure of today’s IT organizations. In this training course, we will not only discuss the basis of team topologies, but also delve into the more complex practical problems.

You will benefit from the extensive experience and different perspectives of our trainers and TTAs (Team Topologies Advocates). The training shows you what often doesn’t work so well in practice, how to really implement Team Topologies and how to really live it with real roles, departments and teams.

5 trainers - 5 modules - 100% deep dive

This training extends over three weeks, spread over four training days of 8 hours each: 07.11. / 08.11. / 11.11. / 18.11.2024

Your trainers: Kim Nena Duggen, Alexander Kaserbacher, Michael Plöd, Stefan Toth, Eberhard Wolff

Each participant will receive the German version of the book “Team Topologies” free of charge.


Day 1 (All trainers)

Kick-off: Introduction to Team Topologies, Interaction Modes and Fracture Plans, comparison with other approaches such as Inverse Conway

How can you introduce team topologies and influence team interaction even if you are not responsible for the organizational structures? How do you deal with possible resistance? (Eberhard Wolff)

Day 2 (Kim Nena Duggen and Michael Plöd)

When does Team Topologies fit, when does another organizational framework fit, do you need a model at all? And how does organizational design with Team Topologies really work in practice? What questions, decisions and pitfalls need to be considered? What patterns and anti-patterns have emerged in practice when designing dynamic development organizations? (Kim Nena Duggen)

How do you find suitable boundaries for teams in the environment of team topologies? In this topic block we will explore the Team Topologies Fracture Planes and talk about the cut of Bounded Contexts from Domain-Driven Design on the one hand but also combine these ideas with the other cut patterns propagated by Team Topologies with regard to a balanced team cut. We will also introduce Independent Service Heuristics, which provide another exciting perspective on team pruning (Michael Plöd)

Day 3 (Stefan Toth and Alexander Kaserbacher)

How do enabling teams work effectively? What collaboration models are there with other types of teams and how do you prevent a loss of responsibility in stream-aligned teams? We also answer these questions specifically for architecture work and show how a decentralized architecture discipline can be established. (Stefan Toth)

What do modern platforms do for development organizations? From the golden path for developers to the evolution of central templates, infrastructure solutions and abstractions, there is a lot to do in platform teams. We provide an overview and talk about the involvement of SATs (stream-aligned teams), the ideal “thickness” of internal platforms and best practices for setting up and further development. (Alexander Kaserbacher)

**Day 4

Q&A: Finally, we will interactively discuss open questions and provide further valuable tips for implementation.


Anyone who helps shape IT projects. Team Topologies touches on many different roles, so the target group is very broad. No prior technical knowledge is necessary!

Training Objectives

I can use Team Topologies even if others actually define the organization.

Apply the Team Topologies model to real roles, departments and teams.

Understand why Team Topologies often go wrong in practice.

Understand the connection between technical structures and my organization.

Your Trainers

Alexander Kaserbacher


Evolutionary Architectures, Software Architecture in the Cloud

  • Agile Software Architecture
  • CPSA Foundation Level
  • Flexible architectures
  • Team Topologies Deep Dive

Alexander Kaserbacher is a consultant and trainer for software architecture at embarc. Several years of experience in agile software development help him to convey the added value of software architecture and to implement it effectively. In addition to cloud applications, distributed systems and evolutionary architecture, his passion for technology also includes the various impacts of software on companies and societal factors.

Eberhard Wolff


Architecture, Microservices, Domain-driven Design

  • Domain-driven Design renovates Legacy
  • Flexible architectures
  • Software architecture kickstart
  • Team Topologies Deep Dive

Eberhard Wolff is Head of Architecture at SWAGLab and has worked as an architect and consultant for more than twenty years, often at the intersection of business and technology. He is the author of numerous articles and books, including on microservices, and is a regular speaker at international conferences. His technological focus is on modern architecture and development approaches such as cloud, domain-driven design and microservices.

Here is the link to his website.

Kim Nena Duggen


Organisationsentwicklung, New Work, Geschäftsmodellentwicklung, Soft Skills

  • Soft Skills for Software Architects
  • Team Topologies Deep Dive
  • Team Topologies in practice

Als Organisations-Architektin im Bereich New Work, Selbstorganisation und (IT-)Strategie ist Kim in ihrem Element, wenn sie mit Menschen arbeitet, die selbst etwas tun wollen, anstatt mit Theorie oder Musterlösungen vorlieb zu nehmen. Situationsgerecht wechselt sie in die Rolle des Beraters, Coaches oder Trainers – je nachdem welche individuellen Herausforderungen mit dem Kunden passgenaue Lösungsstrategien erfordern. Erfahrungen aus Jobstationen im Prozessmanagement, als Trainerin im Bereich EAM, RE, Soft Skills, New Work und als gewählter Vorstand einer selbstorganisierten Genossenschaft sowie Weiterbildungen im Bereich Coaching und Konfliktmanagement und das Aufwachsen in zwei Kulturen haben ein breites Fundament gelegt, um sowohl extern als auch intern Organisationen zu entwickeln. Kim ist Teil des iSAQB-Vorstandes, des weiteren ist sie TTA (Team Topologies Advocate).

Michael Plöd


Domain-driven Design, EventStorming, software architecture

  • CPSA Foundation Level
  • Domain-driven Design for Managers
  • Domain-driven Design in Practice
  • Team Topologies Deep Dive

Michael works a a Fellow for INNOQ. He has over 15 years of practical consulting experience in software development and -architecture. His main areas of interest are currently Domain-driven Design, Event Sourcing, Microservices and presentation techniques for developers and architects. Michael is the author of the book »Hands-on Domain-driven Design – by example« on Leanpub and translated Team Topologies (by Skelton & Pais). Michael is TTA (Team Topologies Advocate).

Stefan Toth


Evolutionäre Architektur, Agile Organisationen, ADES

  • Agile Software Architecture
  • Architecture Evaluation
  • Team Topologies Deep Dive
  • Team Topologies in practice

Stefan Toth berät Entwickler, Teams und Unternehmen in Sachen Softwarearchitektur. Fundiert, klar und effektiv. Seine Erfahrungen reichen vom Banken- und Versicherungssektor über sicherheitskritische Branchen bis hin zur Unterstützung von Internet Start-Ups. Neben dem breiten technologischen Kontext ist die methodische Erfahrung aus agilen Projekten, Architekturbewertungen und IT-Transformationen sein größtes Kapital. Stefan ist TTA (Team Topologies Advocate).

Online Courses

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Dates by Request

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In-House Training

You can also book this training as an in-house training course exclusively for your team. Please use the enquiry form for more details.

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