Agile Software Architecture

Training iSAQB® CPSA®-Advanced AGILA — 3 days

Methodology 20
Communication 10
Dates and Booking


How to accomplish effective architecture work in agile teams and projects

Integrate agile principles into your architecture work. Create a dynamic architecture that develops in an evolutionary way and strengthens team collaboration.

Architectures are increasingly developed in autonomous teams, and the technical, conceptual responsibility is more widely spread in modern organizations. Architectural concepts must dynamically adjust to the situations, and technological change should take place continuously and incrementally – in other words evolutionarily. New skills are therefore demanded of developers and architects encompassing not only technical but also methodological and communicative aspects.

Participants use Lego bricks to complete a team task

Experience in this training course how agile principles and ideas can be transferred to architectural work and how you can logically and efficiently enshrine architectural practices into agile approaches.


  • Introduction to agility: between hype, cargo cult, and pragmatic innovation

  • Architecture and agility: methodological principles of architectural work for an agile world

  • The architectural vision: the counter-model to big upfront design (BUFD)

  • Risk-oriented approach: iterative architectural configuration and ideas for prioritization

  • Architecture in the backlog: enshrining drivers of architecture in epics and stories

  • Qualitative tests: inspection and test of qualitative system properties

  • Architectural debt: dealing with technical debt at the architectural level

  • Architectural principles: unifying perspectives without constraining responsibility

  • Group decisions: models for efficient, joint consensus-building

  • The agile architect: modern role models for architects

  • Governance 2.0: agile scaling and architecture

  • Evolutionary architecture: agile development of systems and system landscapes

Your Benefits

Methods, practical techniques, and helpful perspectives are brought alive during the training

Goal orientation and pragmatism for your projects

Promotes a common image of an architectural discipline oriented around influences from lean management and well embedded in agile projects

Apply agile principles and ideas to architectural work


This training is aimed above all at developers and architects who want to enshrine effective architectural work in agile teams and larger projects. Technical project managers and product owners will also receive valuable inspiration. Practical experience in the design and development of systems as well as an agile context in your work environment is advantageous.

Training Objectives

Methodological principles of architectural work for an agile world

Iterative architectural configuration and ideas for prioritization

Enshrining drivers of architecture in epics and stories

Dealing with technical debt at the architectural level

Models for efficient, joint consensus-building

Modern role models for architects

Agile scaling and architecture

Agile development of system and system landscapes

Your Trainers

Alexander Kaserbacher


Evolutionary Architectures, Software Architecture in the Cloud

  • Agile Software Architecture
  • CPSA Foundation Level
  • Flexible architectures
  • Team Topologies Deep Dive

Alexander Kaserbacher is a consultant and trainer for software architecture at embarc. Several years of experience in agile software development help him to convey the added value of software architecture and to implement it effectively. In addition to cloud applications, distributed systems and evolutionary architecture, his passion for technology also includes the various impacts of software on companies and societal factors.

Falk Sippach


Architekturbewertungen, Java Experte

  • Agile Software Architecture
  • CPSA Foundation Level
  • Documentation-as-Code
  • Evolution and Improvement of software architectures
  • Fantastic diagrams
  • Flexible architectures

Als Trainer, Berater und Architekt ist Falk stets auf der Suche nach dem Funken Leidenschaft, den er bei seinenTeilnehmern, Kunden und Kollegen entfachen kann. Bereits seit über 15 Jahren unterstützt er in meist agilen Softwareentwicklungsprojekten im Java-Umfeld, anfangs als Entwickler, später als Projektleiter, Architekt und Coach. Falk ist überzeugt, dass lebenslanges Lernen die Voraussetzung für die berufliche Selbstentfaltung und dauerhafte Freude am Tun ist. Trotz der Begeisterung für Neues behält er immer auch die Menschen und gewachsene Strukturen im Blick, um ausgewogene Lösungen entwickeln zu können. Als aktiver Bestandteil der Community teilt er sein Wissen gern in Artikeln, Blog-Beiträgen sowie bei Vorträgen auf Konferenzen oder User Group Treffen und unterstützt bei der Organisation diverser Fachveranstaltungen. Video: Was ist eigentlich Documentation as Code? Falk erklärt es euch im Stream mit Lisa Moritz.

Stefan Toth


Evolutionäre Architektur, Agile Organisationen, ADES

  • Agile Software Architecture
  • Architecture Evaluation
  • Leichtgewichtige Software-Reviews mit LASR
  • Team Topologies Deep Dive
  • Team Topologies in practice

Stefan Toth berät Entwickler, Teams und Unternehmen in Sachen Softwarearchitektur. Fundiert, klar und effektiv. Seine Erfahrungen reichen vom Banken- und Versicherungssektor über sicherheitskritische Branchen bis hin zur Unterstützung von Internet Start-Ups. Neben dem breiten technologischen Kontext ist die methodische Erfahrung aus agilen Projekten, Architekturbewertungen und IT-Transformationen sein größtes Kapital. Stefan ist TTA (Team Topologies Advocate).

Technical Information and Books

Architecture and Agility with Stefan Toth - Software Architecture in the Stream

Architecture is stable, software development is agile - there are constantly new requirements and new sprints with new plans. How do these two worlds fit together? In this episode Stefan Toth discusses these and other questions about agility and architecture - from team to company level. Youtube

Agile Architektur (Architektur-Spicker Nr. 6)

Softwarearchitektur wird in agilen Kontexten dynamischer, kleinteiliger, verteilter. Agile Denkweise bringt Cross-Funkionalität, Iterativität und Flexibiltät. Dadurch verändert sich die Architekturdisziplin. In großen Entwicklungsvorhaben sind Kommunikation und ad-hoc Entscheidungen schwieriger. Wie ist agile Architekturarbeit hier sinnvoll möglich? Die 6. Ausgabe unseres Architektur-Spickers fasst die wichtigsten Aspekte zusammen. Download & Infos

Vorgehensmuster für Software-Architektur

Kombinierbare Praktiken in Zeiten von Agile und Lean Hanser Fachbuch 3., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. September 2019 504 Seiten. Fester Einband ISBN: 978-3446460041

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You can also book this training as an in-house training course exclusively for your team. Please use the enquiry form for more details.

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