Our Mission: Learn software architecture from the Best!

For people who not only want to educate themselves, but also get ahead. We are experts who can pass on know-how and rich practical experience to you. We are trainers who have not only read specialist books, but also written them themselves.

Welcome to socreatory, the Software Creators’ Academy.

iSAQB Logo Our Trainings
Four illustrated people with oversized arms and hands are sitting together at a table in front of their laptops. Above them, a kind of mind-map model can be seen.
A collaboration of

Our favorite Training Courses

Whether with or without iSAQB certification, in online or classroom format - our training courses cover almost all the needs you have in your job. From A for AGILA to W for Web Security.

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Your Trainers

Our trainers don't need buzzwords or jargon to convince. They make use of their day-to-day work as consultants and share their personal experiences. They don't just share technical knowledge, but also motivate with their enthusiasm for their respective fields. And the participants don't just benefit from the awarded certificates, but even more so from practically proven tools of the trade, from genuine skills, and from helpful pro tips.

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A picture showing 9 trainers

Although big upfront design is fortunately a thing of the past in agile software development, architecture work remains of central importance. In the AGILA training, Stefan Toth succeeds excellently in conveying approaches for integrating iterative architecture work in an agile context. He creates a balanced mix of theoretical content, practical experience and fruitful exchange among the participants. A special highlight is the practical exercise project: the concepts taught are applied directly and deepened in an entertaining setting!

Daniel Wochnik Senior Managing Consultant, atra.consulting Daniel Wochnik Senior Managing Consultant atra.consulting

Our customers

socreatory Trainings Impressions

Need More Persuasion?

In addition to the expertise of our trainers and the wide range of training courses on offer, we have other arguments in favor of attending a training course with us.

Wide range of courses logo

Wide Range of Courses

We offer the widest selection of training courses for software architecture in the German-speaking world – accredited and certified by iSAQB®.

Extensive IT competence logo

Extensive IT Competence

Our experienced trainers are well-known giants in the industry and jointly developed 80 percent of the module curricula, both in terms of content and the didactic elements.

Practical learning experience logo

Practical Learning Experience

We place a great emphasis on interactive and enthusiastic knowledge transfer. As a result, all participants are able to put directly into practice what they have learned.

Fair pricing model logo

Fair Pricing Model

The total price is reduced for as few as two participants from your company. You also benefit from Early Bird prices and a high degree of planning security.

All Benefits in one place – download our offer!

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Who Are We?

We are socreatory, an IT training provider that works with numerous top-class trainers to offer valuable IT training courses. We were created as a joint project between INNOQ and embarc, who have made it their mission to pass on the expertise they have gained in various customer projects to all interested parties.

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