ARCEVAL (Online) - Stefan Zörner - German
Reflect Software Architectures
Reflect and evaluate software architectures in a targeted and well-founded manner. Learn to recognize risks, discuss trade-offs and strengthen team communication through architecture assessments.
Architecture assessment is an essential tool for gaining security in architecture design and for developing existing solutions or solution approaches in a focused and sustainable manner. Or for discarding them on an informed basis. Above all, architecture assessment promotes communication and transparency. This makes it an ideal tool in contemporary approaches when used correctly.
In addition to this training you will receive the ebook “Software Systeme reviewen (mit dem Lightweight Approach for Software Reviews – LASR)” by Stefan Toth and Stefan Zörner in German.
What are architecture assessments, architecture reviews or software reviews and what their approaches?
What are the benefits and objectives of architecture assessments?
How do you work out an assessment benchmark?
How to refine qualitative requirements in quality scenarios (utility tree)?
What are the benefits of the ATAM - Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method?
How does workshop-based architecture assessment work in practice?
When alternative assessment methods (such as DCAR, PBAR, CBAM, TARA) useful?
What do static and dynamic analysis tools do for the assessment of existing system (parts)?
How do you prepare the results of an assessment?
How to embed assessment methods in (agile) development processes?
Your Trainers
Stefan Zörner
Architekturdokumentation, Methodische Softwarearchitektur und Cloud-Anwendungen
- Architecture Evaluation
- CPSA Foundation Level
- Evolution and Improvement of software architectures
- Flexible architectures
- Lightweight Architecture Documentation
Von der Bayer AG über IBM und oose zu embarc. Stefan Zörner blickt auf 20 Jahre IT-Erfahrung zurück und stets gespannt nach vorn. Er unterstützt in Architektur- und Umsetzungsfragen mit dem Ziel, gute Architekturansätze wirksam in der Implementierung zu verankern. In lebendigen Workshops vermittelt er Handwerkszeug dazu und steckt mit seiner Begeisterung an. Sein pragmatischer Ansatz Architektur festzuhalten findet großen Anklang.