Keycloak IAM & SSO Masterclass

2025-03-25 - 2025-03-27

Keycloak Masterclass (Stuttgart) - Niko Köbler - German


This training gives you a complete overview of all Keycloak topics - practical and tailored to your needs. The choice is yours:

  • Three-day masterclass for a comprehensive overall package

  • 1-day “Keycloak Deployment & Operations” workshop for a targeted introduction to operation and deployment

  • 2-day training course “Keycloak IAM & SSO Fundamentals”, which focuses on the basics of identity management and single sign-on

👉 You can select the option that fits you best in the shop.

Who is the Masterclass suitable for? This training is ideal if you work in development, operations or DevOps and are implementing an identity management (IAM) or single sign-on (SSO) solution with Keycloak in your company or project:

  • build,
  • operate,
  • integrate or
  • want to establish it sustainably.

Your benefits at a glance: Upon completion, you will be able to, among other things:

  • Set up a secure, stable and fail-safe Keycloak environment.
  • Configure Keycloak servers and clusters professionally.
  • Handle authentication and OIDC confidently and securely.
  • This training not only provides you with knowledge, but also with the tools you need to use Keycloak successfully in practice. Start now - and take the next step in your IAM project!


Day 1 - Deployment, Operations, Observability (can be booked individually)

Server setup & configuration

  • Server configuration and deployment
  • Versions & upgrades
  • Backup & recovery

Clustering and distributed caching

  • Configuration of the Keycloak server for cluster operation
  • Discussion of the various cluster discovery protocols
  • Customization / tuning of the (distributed) cache configuration

Import/export, realm configuration

  • Realm export & import
  • Import of preconfigured realms
  • Admin CLI

Performance & metrics

  • Load/performance tests
  • System metrics
  • Event metrics


  • Discussion of various questions and topics

Day 2 - Basics, Realms & Clients, etc. (Day 2 & 3 can be booked separately)

Basics & specifications

  • Single sign-on (SSO) basics
  • Basic knowledge of OAuth2, OpenID Connect (OIDC) and JSON web tokens (JWT)

Realms & clients

  • Principle and configuration of Keycloak realms
  • First steps with tokens, claims and client scopes
  • Client configurations using the example of a distributed application
  • Theming of the Keycloak forms/user interfaces

Day 3 - User Management, Clients, Authentication Flows & Required Actions

User management and sources

  • Organizations, users, groups and roles in Keycloak
  • Creating organizations for multi-tenancy
  • Assigning and inviting users to organizations
  • User profiles with managed attributes, authorizations, mandatory fields, validators
  • Clarification of the differences between user federation / user storage and external identity providers
  • Configuration of an LDAP as a user federation
  • Using your own user data sources
  • Configuration of an external identity provider (identity brokering)
  • Interaction between organizations and external identity providers

Authentication flows and required actions

  • Design and configuration of various authentication flows
  • Extension of the authentication options using custom extensions
  • Use of Required Actions
  • Configuration of further authentication policies

Your Trainers

Niko Köbler

Niko Köbler IT-Beratung

Keycloak, IAM

  • Develop Keycloak extensions
  • Keycloak IAM & SSO
  • Keycloak IAM & SSO Masterclass
  • Keycloak and OIDC

Niko Köbler ist Freelancer und seit über acht Jahren als Keycloak- und IAM-Experte für Kunden aus unterschiedlichen Branchen europaweit tätig. Auf YouTube betreibt er seit Anfang 2021 einen erfolgreichen Keycloak-Channel und unterstützt die Community in verschiedenen Foren. Außerdem ist er ein bekannter und gefragter Sprecher auf IT-Konferenzen, Co-Lead einer Java User Group und schreibt als Autor Artikel für verschiedene Fachzeitschriften.

All info about training