Behavior Driven Development (BDD)

2024-09-25 - 2024-09-26

Behavior Driven Development (Frankfurt) - Katrin Rabow - Deutsch


From vision to joint implementation

Would you like to be able to implement BDD with your team, understand the advantages and disadvantages of the method and get to know the use of example mapping and scenarios? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Agile working has almost become a matter of course today, and we find a backlog with user stories in practically every project. Unfortunately, we sometimes only realize during implementation that the requirements of the story were not entirely clear, or we lack good tests later on to ensure that the result meets our requirements. BDD ensures a common understanding of how our software should behave right from the start, supports us in the implementation and also provides documentation and test automation.

In this training course, you will not only get to know the method, but also use it directly. Together, you will develop (at least) one user story from the vision of a new feature, which you will refine, implement and review with the help of example mapping and behavior-driven development. You realize how you as a team not only gain a common understanding of the technicality and behaviour of your software, but also automatically develop a common (technical) language (ubiquitous language).

And as a useful by-product, we derive automated tests with little effort, which we use as the basis for our implementation. Using Cucumber and AsciiDoc, we not only write the code, but also document our feature and the results of our automated tests in a shared repository. This allows us to achieve a common status of the functional specification and technical implementation at all times.

Your Trainers

Katrin Rabow

BDD, Business Analyse

  • Behavior Driven Development (BDD)

Katrin Rabow hat rund 15 Jahre lang als selbständige Beraterin kleine Unternehmen in ihrem betriebswirtschaftlichen Alltag mit Schulungen und Support unterstützt, bevor sie 2015 ein Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt begann, das sie mit dem Masterabschluss beendete. Seitdem ist sie als Business Analystin und Qualitätsmanagerin in verschiedenen Projekten unterwegs. Des Weiteren gibt sie Trainings zu Behavior Driven Development.

Neben ihrem Alltagsgeschäft spricht sie regelmäßig auf Konferenzen, wobei sie gerne “harte” Themen wie Software Engineering mit “soften” Bereichen wie Unternehmenskultur verbinde. Besonders am Herzen liegen ihr die Kommunikation und das Miteinander in agilen Softwareentwicklungs-Teams.

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