Create and maintain traceable architecture documentation. Choose targeted formats and tools for an optimal balance of effort and benefit.
Documentation as ballast? Effective documenting of the architecture helps you in the design of the software, manages the implementation and results in an understandable and assessable solution. Appropriate documentation supports interaction within the team and vis-à-vis third parties. In this interactive workshop you will learn how the documentation of the architecture changes from a burdensome duty to an integral communication and work tool. Learn to concisely document architecture-relevant influencing factors and important decisions.
The basis for the seminar is the book “Softwarearchitekturen dokumentieren und kommunizieren - Entwürfe, Entscheidungen und Lösungen nachvollziehbar und wirkungsvoll festhalten” (Hanser Verlag, 3rd edition) by our trainer Stefan Zörner. The book is included in the seminar price for each participant (hardback and eBook).